Energetische Reinigung & Klärung

Everything is energy and energy is everything!
It requires clearing in order to maintain the constant beneficial energy flow... 


Stressful life circumstances such as disputes, break ups, severe disease, death and strong emotions such as rage, indignation or jealousy lower the energy level in our living spaces.

Our apartments, houses, offices and real estate are loaded with different types of energy. All beings leave their energy traces there which may then have an influence on the lives of the individuals living there.

An energetic clearing of your living space clears burdensome energies and brings new light-filled energy and power into your environment. Through this an overall improvement of the quality of life and personal interaction can be created.

Optionally, disturbing factors such as electrosmog, earth radiation etc. can be transformed with the solutions of Swiss Harmony
With pleasure we advise you and measure the interfering fields of high and low frequency fields free of charge. 
You ever experience that?:

One comes into a foreign flat and immediately feels comfortable, or else a flat makes us feel uncomfortable. One becomes agitated and would like to leave it dearly again...

Thoughts, feelings and actions are taken up by our environment, stored and create a corresponding "vibration" in rooms, houses and other locations.
Since our own feelings are also frequencies, they may be strongly influenced by the frequencies of the site.

If the vibrations are based on a "positive imprint", this also has a positive effect on our mood, our well-being and on the way we live together. If rooms are dominated by rather stressful, heavy vibrations, this can lead to mood shifts, restlessness or sleep disorders. We perceive this unconsciously, but often cannot classify it.

The energies of the previous inhabitants can also be so strongly rooted in the rooms that they can find their way into our energy system and influence it.

The overall goal of an energetic house/property and living space clearing is:

- The clearing of the living spaces from burdening, heavy energies and vibrations
e.g. due to historical happenings or previous owners/residents.

- Detachment of earth-bound souls and soul fragments.

- Clearing of energy structures after stressful life situations such as divorce.

- The regaining of a positive and light-filled living environment,
in order to increase the well-being of the residents with their local circumstances.

- Optional: Harmonisation of interference fields in relation to electrosmog, earth radiation etc. with solutions from Swiss Harmony.

An energetic house clearing is then strongly recommended, 
if you perceive, among other things, the following in your rooms or life situations: 
When moving into a new home - to cleanse the stressful energies of the previous owner or previous residents
With the purpose of buying an apartment, a house or a plot of land: Historical events of the last centuries can be stored in the ground of the property - also a possible cause for energy deficiencies.
After a death.
After or even during long period of illness.
In breakups, divorces, relationship issues.
When stressful emotions such as anger, rage, fury, aggression are frequently experienced in your rooms.
In recurring disputes.
If you unexpectedly feel uncomfortable in your home.
For anxiety and depressive moods.
If you often feel tired and exhausted, even though sufficient rest periods are provided.
After traumatic experiences such as abuse or violence. 

How we humans can be a " shelter" for foreign energies in the form of so-called " possessions" ... 
... so our home can also be a retreat for earth-bound souls and soul fragments... 
Indicators for this can be additional:

One has the feeling not to be alone at home.
When a pet suddenly starts acting strange.
Unexpected behaviour changes of the tenants.
You have the feeling that something is on the back of your neck.
When "unexplainable" things happen.
It makes you feel as if you're being observed.
Deaths in this place, even in the previous "resident generations".
For disputes regarding heritage, sale of the land / house - even in previous generations. 


With an energetic house clearing the rooms are being cleared of foreign energies.  

Using various techniques, heavy energies can be transformed or dissolved. Existing earth-bound souls and soul parts are led into their "paradise" with the support of the light-filled spiritual realm and under consideration of the cosmic laws. The energy of LOVE is the foundation of this procedure.

Through an energetic clearing of the room, the living space is filled with power, light and positive energy. Thus the parties involved can experience an atmosphere of paradise even in their own premises. This always applies for the highest good of each individual and for the good of the whole.

I would be most willing to explain this to you in a personal conversation, if required, without commitment and free of charge. Together we will find the optimal time and also the time frame for the energetic clearing and energetic purification.
 Together with my beloved and coaching partner André Serge Papis, I will provide you with powerful support on your premises. 

Energy balancing by mutual agreement.
Make an appointment NOW for your free consultation with Corinne Isabelle.

Note: The optional harmonization of the premises and vehicles with the solutions of Swiss Harmony will be charged separately. 

..."Nach dieser Tiefenreinigung auf allen Ebenen spüre ich zusammen mit meiner Familie, dass wir in unserer Oase endlich ankommen können"...
..."Die Energie fühlt sich wieder klar und harmonisch an. Ich kann endlich ruhig schlafen und mich regenerieren"...
Danke auch für die Installation von Bio Home und dem Car Tuner. Die optimale Ergänzung zur energetischen Hausreinigung!
..."Eine leise Ahnung hatten wir ja, doch diese neue Qualität in unserem Haus ist unbeschreiblich...Alle fühlen sich nun wohl, inkl. unsere Haustiere. Danke Corinne und André, für euren klaren und kraftvollen Einsatz!"...
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