ABC des Mensch - SEIN's

Sensitive guidance for holistic development of each personality  
"A B C  of Hu-man-Being's"
3 Hints about it..:
1- "Nothing in your life will ever change until you do change..."
2- "The answers are all inside yourself..."
3- "Anyone can do it if they want to. It's easy and it' s experienced with joy and incorporated into the daily routine..."

I'd be honored to walk and support you as you explore your new path...
The own RESPONSIBILITY is written in capital letters...This gives you strenght and power!

Support in healing the inner children: 

Through simple and joyful exercises we learn how to take good care of ourselves and strengthen a healthy connection to ourselves, so that we can enjoy life from our innermost centre. This helps us to make the best decisions for ourselves and for the well-being of the whole. We experience ourselves in a cheerful serenity. One of the most important fundamentals for a better lifestyle!
Support in changing the way we interact with each other and the importance of quality in the relation to our "mindset": 

Is your mind/ratio getting in your way? I guide you with simple tangible "tools" and ressources, so that from a new perspective, you can positively transform this aspect in its quality and integrate it harmoniously into your overall personality. You will experience yourself and your environment from a pleasant point of view. You feel the joyful interaction from your clear awareness and are able to integrate your most valuable potentials into your life!

The setup of our very very private space: (our own very private garden)

Do you sometimes have the feeling of being insecure and possibly overwhelmed? In a playful way and in your rhythm I will guide you into your self-confidence and clarity. Out of this power you will experience how you will arrive into your personal space and how you will be able to communicate freely with your environment from within. In doing so, you will succeed in presenting your concerns clearly. The effect is striking: You realize that you can easily regulate your own space and redesign it in a unique way. Your existence takes on a totally new quality. You will enjoy and be delighted with your new clear approach! 

... "Wow! I never thought that I could experience and integrate these changes in my life with ease and joy - to feel my inner child again is brilliant! Thanks!"...
... "I can recommend this coaching to everyone! It brings clarity, strength and joy. The self-love becomes more and more perceptible"...
... "Corinne senses things I wouldn't have thought of. The well-being of the vis-a-vis and the whole is so important to her. She cares so much and supports so clearly and lovingly at the same time"...
... "The sensitive coaching of Corinne Isabelle is unique. The valuable inspirations and tools for everyday life are impressive and easy to handle at the same time. It really is help for self-help. Impressive!"...
Simple " sensed tools " are used so that these experiences can be understood and also reinforced emotionally. I also consider these sensed tools in particular for individuals who work in therapeutic or medical sectors. These are usually under the pressure of time and deal intensively with people who are in "need" in one form or another. It is indeed possible that everyone is and remains in his or her own self-responsibility, and this generates a cheerful serenity for all.

This "A B C of the Hu-man BEING" serves as an essential foundation for a healthy contact to ourselves and the environment.
The foundation for a better overall quality of life. 

Note: I am grateful that I have experienced these modules in their essence in various workshops which are of great value to me. Spontaneously I received this label as a flash of inspiration: Since then I have been naming it: "A B C of the Hu-man BEING" and have coloured and deepened these tools with my further development and my personal "spices". 

                Energy balancing:  by mutual agreement.  NOW for your free coaching consultation with Corinne Isabelle.

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